How good is microsoft expression web review on quora
How good is microsoft expression web review on quora

how good is microsoft expression web review on quora

The company has yet to earn a dime in revenue and won't anytime soon, even as it has raised more than $11 million in financing and could drum up four times that with a few phone calls. The Facebook factor was also enough to draw scores of would-be investors before anyone knew a thing about the startup. Quora's founders were both star engineers at Facebook, a fact that might help explain how their young site has hooked so many users-some 200,000 people currently visit the site each month. "It's the only thing I find intellectually stimulating on the Internet anymore."


"I spend practically every free moment I have on Quora," he says. He answered a few more soon he was hooked. Tentatively, he answered a couple of questions. At first, Kellerman, who consults for startups looking to do business in Japan, didn't know what to make of it. George Kellerman discovered Quora last fall. "If I didn't limit myself, I'd check Quora relentlessly," he says.

how good is microsoft expression web review on quora

Wolfe has forced himself to stop using the site at work.

how good is microsoft expression web review on quora

Someone will pose a question in one of his areas of expertise-the Silicon Valley startup scene, for example, or venture capital-and "it's Pavlovian," he says: He feels compelled to respond immediately and with enough authority that votes from fellow users push his answer to the top. If Quora sits open in his browser, he feels its tug. Michael Wolfe, an entrepreneur deep into his fourth startup, also can't help himself. Yet he compulsively spends two or three hours a day on Quora, a question-and-answer website he describes as "very addictive." Craig Montuori, Caltech class of 2008, knows he should devote every waking moment to the startup he cofounded last year.

How good is microsoft expression web review on quora